Mystery Shopping

Because You Can’t Fix What You Don’t Know

An ongoing shopper program can be used to incentivize and reward excellent customer service. Let Customer Service Coach Rita Suiter show you how! Just call (229) 563-7482 or email Rita today.


Here’s the thing: The vast majority of customers won’t speak up — even if they are unhappy with the service they receive. More than 90 percent of them won’t take the time to bring up the issue to a staff member or manager. Instead, they leave, vowing never to return … and dead set on telling anyone who will listen about their experience.

As a mystery shopper, Rita gets to the bottom of service issues — experiencing your business through the eyes of your customers. There’s no better way of measuring customer experiences than by being the customer — both in digital and brick-and-mortar settings.


Gauge Customer Experience — Identify Service Shortfalls — Build on What’s Working

FiveStar’s Mystery Shopper Program is designed to provide an objective view of your customer service efforts and other image aspects of your business. All information gathered is confidential, and a recap is provided listing challenges and opportunities for improvement. As a client, you’ll get actionable insight into three key customer-contact areas:

Face-to-face: Your business is visited unannounced and anonymously to observe your facility (interior and exterior), your employees and their interactions with customers.

Telephone Inquiries: Phone calls are used to evaluate greeting, transfer, promptness, employee product knowledge, rapport and closing.

Website: An online audit assesses strengths and weaknesses, user-friendliness, customer service levels and product quality/availability.


  • Customer impressions of cleanliness and appearance (staff and environment).
  • How soon (or even if) the shopper was greeted.
  • Were they automatically offered assistance or did they have to ask for help.
  • How well your employee matched the customer’s need with your products.
  • If your employee attempted to add-on to the sale.
  • Whether the sale was properly completed and correct change given.
  • If the customer was asked to be on your mailing list.
  • How the transaction ended – needs/expectations met or exceeded, customer valued, respected and cared for.

Shopper Impressions

From first impressions to last, shopper impressions provide absolutely critical information! That’s why every major retailer and service provider pays to have their stores … restaurants … hotels … destinations … “shopped” throughout the year.

FiveStar’s Mystery Shopper Program is a cost-effective way to obtain objective quantitative and qualitative feedback about the customer experience you’re delivering.

Thank you so much for serving as our “Mystery Shopper.” While we expected some less-than-positive comments on some of our businesses, we were pleasantly surprised by a couple of first-class customer service encounters you experienced. In fact, we presented these “shining stars” with customer service awards at our annual membership dinner in January. Our plan is to continue to recognize top performers in customer service and hold them up as examples for others to follow. We still have lots of work to do and are looking forward to developing customer service training to address the many “opportunities for improvement” contained in your report.

Beverly Walter
Director of Tourism and Public Relations
Forsyth & Monroe County