Why Train?

Great Service Isn’t a Cost — It’s a Sales Opportunity

Great companies understand that customers show appreciation for excellent service with their wallets. At the same time, an investment in training creates more engaged employees and managers — increasing their knowledge and upgrading their internal and external customer service skills.

In fact, if you’re wondering, “What if I invest in training and my people leave?” What if you don’t … and they stay?

The FiveStar Way — Rita brings the training directly to you with a customized, on-site solution uniquely designed for your industry and your people. Outsourced training saves you time and money — and employees typically respond much better to a trainer from outside the company.

The FiveStar Style — Rita’s style is high-energy, educational and interactive. Quizzes, role-playing and engaging activities encourage participation and retention. Your employees increase their knowledge and upgrade their internal and external customer service skills.

Why FiveStar Training Works

FiveStar training has a dynamic and long-term impact on participants who want to increase their knowledge of the service industry and upgrade their internal and external customer service skills. This includes:

  • Developing positive customer service habits, communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Improving employee attitudes, job performance and professional etiquette.
  • Increasing employee service knowledge, time management and teamwork.
  • Enhancing employee workplace opportunities, sales & marketing knowledge, and leadership & supervisory skills.

Click on the video for a message from Rita.

An investment in training has a dynamic and long-term impact — if you take good care of your employees, they will take good care of your customers!

What Customer Service Is:

  1.  Deliberate (it involves a clear understanding of your customers’ needs and expectations, and the ability to deliver it consistently with each and every encounter).
  2. Focused (all actions are centered on how they impact your customer — from email and phone etiquette to face-to-face interactions).
  3. Long-term (building a customer service culture requires an ongoing commitment from leadership).
  4. Measured (successful service initiatives are measured and monitored).

What Customer Service Isn’t:

  1.  Haphazard (it can’t be an occasional effort or a flavor-of-the-month program).
  2. Accidental (it can’t happen just because a nice person was hired).
  3. Inconsistent (it can’t happen to some of your customers some of the time).
  4. Short-term (there is no quick fix or silver bullet).

Let’s Work Together!

Rita has trained CEOs and truck drivers. But her philosophy remains the same: Service skills are essential … personally and professionally.